

The Institute of Mixture Modeling for Equity-Oriented Researchers, Scholars, and Educators (IMMERSE) is an IES funded training grant (R305B220021) to support Education scholars in integrating mixture modeling into their research.

How to reference this walkthrough: This work was supported by the IMMERSE Project (IES - 305B220021)

Visit our GitHub account to download the materials needed for this walkthrough.

Example: PISA Student Data

  1. The first example closely follows the vignette used to demonstrate the tidyLPA package (Rosenberg, 2019).
  • This model utilizes the PISA data collected in the U.S. in 2015. To learn more about this data see here.
  • To access the 2015 US PISA data & documentation in R use the following code:



composite measure of students’ self reported broad interest


composite measure of students’ self reported enjoyment


composite measure of students’ self reported instrumental motivation


composite measure of students’ self reported self efficacy


Latent Profile Models

Latent Profile Analysis (LPA) is a statistical modeling approach for estimating distinct profiles of variables. In the social sciences and in educational research, these profiles could represent, for example, how different youth experience dimensions of being engaged (i.e., cognitively, behaviorally, and affectively) at the same time. Note that LPA works best with continuous variables (and, in some cases, ordinal variables), but is not appropriate for dichotomous (binary) variables.

Many analysts have carried out LPA using a latent variable modeling approach. From this approach, different parameters - means, variances, and covariances - are freely estimated across profiles, fixed to be the same across profiles, or constrained to be zero. The MPlus software is commonly used to estimate these models (see here) using the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm to obtain the maximum likelihood estimates for the parameters.

Different models (or how or whether parameters are estimated) can be specified and estimated. While MPlus is widely-used (and powerful), it is costly, closed-source, and can be difficult to use, particularly with respect to interpreting or using the output of specified models as part of a reproducible workflow

Terminology for specifying variance-covariance matrix

The code used to estimate LPA models in this walkthrough is from the tidyLPA package. TidyLPA(source) is an R package designed to estimate latent profile models using a tidy framework. It can interface with Mplus via the MplusAutomation package, enabling the estimation of latent profile models with different variance-covariance structures.

  • model 1 Profile-invariant / Diagonal: Equal variances, and covariances fixed to 0
  • model 2 Profile-varying / Diagonal: Free variances and covariances fixed to 0
  • model 3 Profile-invariant / Non-Diagonal: Equal variances and equal covariances
    • Note: an alternative to Model 3 is freely estimating the covariances
  • model 4 Free variances, and equal covariances
  • model 5 Equal variances, and free covariances
  • model 6 Profile Varying / Non-Diagonal: Free variances and free covariances

Model 1


  • Equal Variances: Variances are fixed to equality across the profiles (i.e., variances are constrained to be equal for each profile).

  • Covariances fixed to zero (i.e., the off-diagonal cells of the matrix are zero).

The most parsimonious model and the most restricted.

\[ \begin{pmatrix} \sigma^2_1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & \sigma^2_2 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & \sigma^2_3 \\ \end{pmatrix} \]

Model 2


  • Free variances: Variances parameters are freely estimated across the profiles (i.e., variances vary by profile).

  • Covariances fixed to zero (i.e., the off-diagonal cells of the matrix are zero).

This model is more flexible and less parsimonious than model 1.

\[ \begin{pmatrix} \sigma^2_{1p} & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & \sigma^2_{2p} & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & \sigma^2_{3p} \\ \end{pmatrix} \]

Model 3

Profile-invariant/ non-diagonal or unrestricted:

  • Equal variances: Variances are fixed to equality across profile. (i.e., variances are constrained to be same for each profile).

  • Equal Covariances: The covariances are now estimated and constrained to be equal.

    • An alternative to Model 3 is freely estimating the covariances (Model 5 here).

\[ \begin{pmatrix} \sigma^2_1 & \sigma_{12} & \sigma_{13} \\ \sigma_{12} & \sigma^2_2 & \sigma_{23} \\ \sigma_{13} & \sigma_{23} & \sigma^2_3 \\ \end{pmatrix} \]

Model 4

Varying means, varying variances, and equal covariances:

  • Free variances: Variances parameters are freely estimated across profiles (i.e., variances vary by profile).

  • Equal Covariances: Covariances are constrained to be equal.

This model is also considered to be an extension of Model 3.

\[ \begin{pmatrix} \sigma^2_{1p} & \sigma_{12} & \sigma_{13} \\ \sigma_{12} & \sigma^2_{2p} & \sigma_{23} \\ \sigma_{13} & \sigma_{23} & \sigma^2_{3p} \\ \end{pmatrix} \]

Model 5

Varying means, equal variances, and varying covariances:

  • Equal variances: Variances are fixed to equality across the profiles. (i.e., variances are constrained to be same for each profile).

  • Free Covariances: Covariances are now freely estimated across the profiles.

This model is also considered to be an extension of Model 3.

\[ \begin{pmatrix} \sigma^2_{1} & \sigma_{12p} & \sigma_{13p} \\ \sigma_{12p} & \sigma^2_{2} & \sigma_{23p} \\ \sigma_{13p} & \sigma_{23p} & \sigma^2_{3} \\ \end{pmatrix} \]

Model 6

Profile-varying / Non-diagonal:

  • Free variances: Variances parameters are freely estimated across profiles (i.e., variances vary by profile).

  • Free Covariances: Covariances are now freely estimated across the profiles.

This is the most complex and unrestricted model. It is also the least parsimonious

Note: The unrestricted model is also sometimes known as Model 4.

\[ \begin{pmatrix} \sigma^2_{1p} & \sigma_{12p} & \sigma_{13p} \\ \sigma_{12p} & \sigma^2_{2p} & \sigma_{23p} \\ \sigma_{13p} & \sigma_{23p} & \sigma^2_{3p} \\ \end{pmatrix} \]

Load packages


Prepare Data

pisa <- pisaUSA15[1:500,] %>%
  dplyr::select(broad_interest, enjoyment, instrumental_mot, self_efficacy)

Descriptive Statistics

ds <- pisa %>% 
  pivot_longer(broad_interest:self_efficacy, names_to = "variable") %>% 
  group_by(variable) %>% 
  summarise(mean = mean(value, na.rm = TRUE),
            sd = sd(value, na.rm = TRUE)) 

ds %>% 
  gt () %>% 
  tab_header(title = md("**Descriptive Summary**")) %>%
    variable = "Variable",
    mean = md("M"),
    sd = md("SD")
  ) %>%
             decimals = 2) %>% 
    align = "center",
    columns = mean
Descriptive Summary
Variable M SD
broad_interest 2.67 0.77
enjoyment 2.82 0.72
instrumental_mot 2.13 0.75
self_efficacy 2.12 0.64



Enumerate using estimate_profiles():

  • Estimate models with profiles \(K = 1:5\)
  • Model has 4 continuous indicators
  • Default variance-covariance specifications (model 1)
  • Change variances and covariances to indicate the model you want to specify, in this example, we are estimating all six models.
# Run LPA models 
lpa_fit <- pisa %>% 
                      package = "MplusAutomation",
                      ANALYSIS = "starts = 500 100;",
                      OUTPUT = "sampstat residual tech11 tech14",
                      variances = c("equal", "varying", "equal", "varying", "equal", "varying"),
                      covariances = c("zero", "zero", "equal", "equal", "varying", "varying"),
                      keepfiles = TRUE)

# Compare fit statistics

# Move files to folder 
files <- list.files(here(), pattern = "^model")
move_files(files, here("tidyLPA"), overwrite = TRUE)


…please :)


Alternative method to estimate_profiles(): Run enumeration using mplusObject method

You can change the model specification for LPA using the syntax provided in lecture.

Model 1

When estimating LPA in Mplus, the default variance/covariance specification is the most restricted model (Model 1). So we don’t have to specify anything here.

lpa_k14  <- lapply(1:5, function(k) {
  lpa_enum  <- mplusObject(
    TITLE = glue("Profile {k}"), 
    VARIABLE = glue(
    "usevar = broad_interest-self_efficacy;
     classes = c({k}); "),
   "estimator = mlr; 
    type = mixture;
    starts = 500 100;",
  OUTPUT = "sampstat svalues residual tech11 tech14;",
  usevariables = colnames(pisa),
  rdata = pisa)

lpa_enum_fit <- mplusModeler(lpa_enum, 
                dataout=glue(here("enum_lpa", "lpa_pisa")),
                modelout=glue(here("enum_lpa", "c{k}_lpa_m1.inp")) ,
                check=TRUE, run = TRUE, hashfilename = FALSE)

Model 2

Here, an addition loop adds the variance/covariance specifications for each class-specific statement. For the profile-varying/diagonal specification, you must specify the variances to be freely estimated:


lpa_m2_k14  <- lapply(1:5, function(k){ 
  # This MODEL section changes the model specification
  MODEL <- paste(sapply(1:k, function(i) {
    broad_interest-self_efficacy;      ! variances are freely estimated
  }), collapse = "\n")
  lpa_enum_m2  <- mplusObject(
    TITLE = glue("Profile {k} - Model 2"),
    VARIABLE = glue(
      "usevar = broad_interest-self_efficacy;
     classes = c({k});"),
      "estimator = mlr; 
    type = mixture;
    starts = 500 100;",
    OUTPUT = "sampstat svalues residual tech11 tech14;",
    usevariables = colnames(pisa),
    rdata = pisa)
  lpa_m2_fit <- mplusModeler(lpa_enum_m2,
                             dataout = here("enum_lpa", "lpa_pisa"),
                             modelout = glue(here("enum_lpa","c{k}_lpa_m2.inp")),
                             check = TRUE, run = TRUE, hashfilename = FALSE)

For reference, here is the Mplus syntax for different specifications:

Fixed covariance to zero (DEFAULT):

broad_interest WITH enjoyment@0;

Free covariance:

broad_interest WITH enjoyment;

Equal covariances:


broad_interest WITH enjoyment (1);


broad_interest WITH enjoyment (1);

Equal variance (DEFAULT):


broad_interest (1);


broad_interest (1);

Free variance:


You can also open the tidyLPA .inp files to see the specifications.

Table of Fit

Evaluate each model specification separately using fit indices.


# Read in model
output_pisa <- readModels(here("tidyLPA"), quiet = TRUE)

## # A tibble: 29 × 11
##    Title   Parameters     LL   BIC  aBIC  CAIC   AWE BLRT_PValue T11_VLMR_PValue
##    <chr>        <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>       <dbl>           <dbl>
##  1 " Mode…          8 -2089. 4227. 4201. 4235. 4300.          NA         NA     
##  2 " Mode…         13 -1997. 4074. 4032. 4087. 4193.           0          0     
##  3 " Mode…         18 -1953. 4017. 3960. 4035. 4183.           0          0.0087
##  4 " Mode…         23 -1889. 3921. 3848. 3944. 4133.           0          0     
##  5 " Mode…         28 -1871. 3915. 3826. 3943. 4172.           0          0.0177
##  6 " Mode…          8 -2089. 4227. 4201. 4235. 4300.          NA         NA     
##  7 " Mode…         17 -1989. 4083. 4029. 4100. 4239.           0          0     
##  8 " Mode…         26 -1878. 3917. 3834. 3943. 4156.           0          0.0002
##  9 " Mode…         35 -1851. 3919. 3808. 3954. 4241.           0          0.454 
## 10 " Mode…         44 -1825. 3923. 3783. 3967. 4327.           0          0.0113
## # ℹ 19 more rows
## # ℹ 2 more variables: BF <dbl>, cmPk <dbl>
enum_table(output_pisa, 1:5, 6:10, 11:15, 16:20, 21:25, 26:29)
Model Fit Summary Table1
Model 1
Model 1 With 1 Classes 8 −2,088.66 4,226.84 4,201.45 4,234.84 4,300.36 0.0 <.001
Model 1 With 2 Classes 13 −1,996.51 4,073.50 4,032.24 4,086.50 4,192.97 <.001 <.001 0.0 <.001
Model 1 With 3 Classes 18 −1,952.98 4,017.38 3,960.25 4,035.38 4,182.81 <.001 0.009 0.0 <.001
Model 1 With 4 Classes 23 −1,889.43 3,921.23 3,848.23 3,944.23 4,132.61 <.001 <.001 0.0 0.046
Model 1 With 5 Classes 28 −1,870.91 3,915.16 3,826.28 3,943.15 4,172.48 <.001 0.018 0.954
Model 2
Model 2 With 1 Classes 8 −2,088.66 4,226.84 4,201.45 4,234.84 4,300.36 0.0 <.001
Model 2 With 2 Classes 17 −1,988.99 4,083.22 4,029.26 4,100.22 4,239.45 <.001 <.001 0.0 <.001
Model 2 With 3 Classes 26 −1,877.96 3,916.88 3,834.35 3,942.88 4,155.83 <.001 <.001 3.4 0.748
Model 2 With 4 Classes 35 −1,851.35 3,919.35 3,808.26 3,954.35 4,241.01 <.001 0.454 6.3 0.217
Model 2 With 5 Classes 44 −1,825.33 3,923.04 3,783.38 3,967.04 4,327.41 <.001 0.011 0.034
Model 3
Model 3 With 1 Classes 14 −1,968.35 4,023.36 3,978.93 4,037.36 4,152.02 0.1 <.001
Model 3 With 2 Classes 19 −1,950.11 4,017.84 3,957.53 4,036.84 4,192.45 <.001 0.002 0.0 <.001
Model 3 With 3 Classes 24 −1,930.36 4,009.29 3,933.12 4,033.29 4,229.86 <.001 0.171 0.0 <.001
Model 3 With 4 Classes 29 −1,840.85 3,861.23 3,769.18 3,890.23 4,127.75 <.001 <.001 >100 0.995
Model 3 With 5 Classes 34 −1,830.68 3,871.83 3,763.91 3,905.83 4,184.30 <.001 0.118 0.005
Model 4
Model 4 With 1 Classes 14 −1,968.35 4,023.36 3,978.93 4,037.36 4,152.02 0.0 <.001
Model 4 With 2 Classes 23 −1,930.96 4,004.30 3,931.30 4,027.30 4,215.67 <.001 <.001 0.0 <.001
Model 4 With 3 Classes 32 −1,859.47 3,917.02 3,815.45 3,949.02 4,211.11 <.001 0.033 >100 1.000
Model 4 With 4 Classes 41 −1,844.84 3,943.49 3,813.35 3,984.48 4,320.29 0.286 0.637 >100 <.001
Model 4 With 5 Classes 50 −1,829.41 3,968.34 3,809.64 4,018.34 4,427.85 1.000 0.566 <.001
Model 5
Model 5 With 1 Classes 14 −1,968.35 4,023.36 3,978.93 4,037.36 4,152.02 0.0 <.001
Model 5 With 2 Classes 25 −1,927.10 4,008.95 3,929.60 4,033.95 4,238.71 <.001 <.001 20.7 0.953
Model 5 With 3 Classes 36 −1,896.08 4,015.01 3,900.75 4,051.01 4,345.86 <.001 0.003 >100 0.046
Model 5 With 4 Classes 47 −1,878.20 4,047.34 3,898.17 4,094.34 4,479.29 <.001 0.288 >100 <.001
Model 5 With 5 Classes 58 −1,858.18 4,075.39 3,891.30 4,133.39 4,608.43 0.028 0.094 <.001
Model 6
Model 6 With 1 Classes 14 −1,968.35 4,023.36 3,978.93 4,037.36 4,152.02 0.0 0.044
Model 6 With 2 Classes 29 −1,918.84 4,017.19 3,925.15 4,046.19 4,283.71 <.001 0.004 >100 0.956
Model 6 With 3 Classes 44 −1,885.73 4,043.84 3,904.18 4,087.83 4,448.21 <.001 0.009 >100 <.001
Model 6 With 4 Classes 59 −1,854.21 4,073.66 3,886.39 4,132.66 4,615.89 0.078 0.043 <.001
1 Note. Par = Parameters; LL = model log likelihood; BIC = Bayesian information criterion; aBIC = sample size adjusted BIC; CAIC = consistent Akaike information criterion; AWE = approximate weight of evidence criterion; BLRT = bootstrapped likelihood ratio test p-value; cmPk = approximate correct model probability.

Information Criteria Plot

Look for “elbow” to help with profile selection


Based on fit indices, I am choosing the following candidate models:

  1. Model 1: 2 Profile
  2. Model 2: 3 Profile
  3. Model 3: 4 Profile
  4. Model 4: 3 Profile
  5. Model 5: 2 Profile
  6. Model 6: 2 Profile

Compare models

Correct Model Probability (cmpK) recalculation

Take the candidate models and recalculate the approximate correct model probabilities (Masyn, 2013)

# CmpK recalculation:
enum_fit1 <- enum_fit(output_pisa)

stage2_cmpk <- enum_fit1 %>% 
  slice(2, 8, 14, 18, 22, 27) %>% 
  mutate(SIC = -.5 * BIC,
         expSIC = exp(SIC - max(SIC)),
         cmPk = expSIC / sum(expSIC),
         BF = exp(SIC - lead(SIC))) %>% 
  select(Title, Parameters, BIC:AWE, cmPk, BF)

# Format Fit Table
stage2_cmpk %>%
  gt() %>% 
  tab_options(column_labels.font.weight = "bold") %>%
    decimals = 2,
    drop_trailing_zeros = TRUE,
    suffixing = TRUE
  ) %>%
             decimals = 2) %>% 
    fmt_number(8,decimals = 2,
             suffixing = TRUE) %>% 
  fmt(8, fns = function(x) 
    ifelse(x>100, ">100",
           scales::number(x, accuracy = .1))) %>% 
    style = list(
      cell_text(weight = "bold")
    locations = list(cells_body(
     columns = BIC,
     row = BIC == min(BIC[1:nrow(stage2_cmpk)]) 
     columns = aBIC,
     row = aBIC == min(aBIC[1:nrow(stage2_cmpk)])
     columns = CAIC,
     row = CAIC == min(CAIC[1:nrow(stage2_cmpk)])
     columns = AWE,
     row = AWE == min(AWE[1:nrow(stage2_cmpk)])
     columns = cmPk,
     row =  cmPk == max(cmPk[1:nrow(stage2_cmpk)])
     columns = BF, 
     row =  BF > 10)
Title Parameters BIC aBIC CAIC AWE cmPk BF
Model 1 With 2 Classes 13 4,073.50 4,032.24 4,086.50 4,192.97 0 0.0
Model 2 With 3 Classes 26 3,916.88 3,834.35 3,942.88 4,155.83 0 0.0
Model 3 With 4 Classes 29 3,861.23 3,769.18 3,890.23 4,127.75 1 >100
Model 4 With 3 Classes 32 3,917.02 3,815.45 3,949.02 4,211.11 0 >100
Model 5 With 2 Classes 25 4,008.95 3,929.60 4,033.95 4,238.71 0 61.7
Model 6 With 2 Classes 29 4,017.19 3,925.15 4,046.19 4,283.71 0 NA

Compare loglikelihood

You can also compare models using nested model testing directly with MplusAutomation. Note that you can only compare across models but the profiles must stay the same.

# MplusAutomation Method using `compareModels` 

  output_pisa[["model_4_class_3.out"]], diffTest = TRUE)
## ==============
## Mplus model comparison
## ----------------------
## ------
## Model 1:  C:/Users/dnajiarch/Box/IES_IMMERSE/youtube_materials/lpa_enum/tidyLPA/model_2_class_3.out 
## Model 2:  C:/Users/dnajiarch/Box/IES_IMMERSE/youtube_materials/lpa_enum/tidyLPA/model_4_class_3.out 
## ------
## Model Summary Comparison
## ------------------------
##              m1                     m2                    
## Title        model 2 with 3 classes model 4 with 3 classes
## Observations 488                    488                   
## Estimator    MLR                    MLR                   
## Parameters   26                     32                    
## LL           -1877.965              -1859.466             
## AIC          3807.929               3782.932              
## BIC          3916.877               3917.022              
##   MLR Chi-Square Difference Test for Nested Models Based on Loglikelihood
##   -----------------------------------------------------------------------
##   Difference Test Scaling Correction:  1.177167 
##   Chi-square difference:  31.4297 
##   Diff degrees of freedom:  6 
##   P-value:  0 
##   Note: The chi-square difference test assumes that these models are nested.
##   It is up to you to verify this assumption.
##   MLR Chi-Square Difference test for nested models
##   --------------------------------------------
##   Difference Test Scaling Correction:  
##   Chi-square difference:  
##   Diff degrees of freedom:  
##   P-value:  
## Note: The chi-square difference test assumes that these models are nested.
##   It is up to you to verify this assumption.
## =========
## Model parameter comparison
## --------------------------
##   Parameters present in both models
## =========
##   Approximately equal in both models (param. est. diff <= 1e-04)
##   ----------------------------------------------
##  paramHeader     param LatentClass m1_est m2_est . m1_se m2_se . m1_est_se
##        Means ENJOYMENT           1  2.968  2.968 | 0.012 0.021 |   238.242
##  m2_est_se . m1_pval m2_pval
##    143.432 |       0       0
##   Parameter estimates that differ between models (param. est. diff > 1e-04)
##   ----------------------------------------------
##    paramHeader      param                  LatentClass m1_est m2_est . m1_se
##  BROAD_IN.WITH  ENJOYMENT                            1  0.000  0.010 | 0.000
##  BROAD_IN.WITH  ENJOYMENT                            2  0.000  0.010 | 0.000
##  BROAD_IN.WITH  ENJOYMENT                            3  0.000  0.010 | 0.000
##  BROAD_IN.WITH INSTRUMENT                            1  0.000 -0.013 | 0.000
##  BROAD_IN.WITH INSTRUMENT                            2  0.000 -0.013 | 0.000
##  BROAD_IN.WITH INSTRUMENT                            3  0.000 -0.013 | 0.000
##  BROAD_IN.WITH SELF_EFFIC                            1  0.000 -0.029 | 0.000
##  BROAD_IN.WITH SELF_EFFIC                            2  0.000 -0.029 | 0.000
##  BROAD_IN.WITH SELF_EFFIC                            3  0.000 -0.029 | 0.000
##  ENJOYMEN.WITH INSTRUMENT                            1  0.000 -0.034 | 0.000
##  ENJOYMEN.WITH INSTRUMENT                            2  0.000 -0.034 | 0.000
##  ENJOYMEN.WITH INSTRUMENT                            3  0.000 -0.034 | 0.000
##  ENJOYMEN.WITH SELF_EFFIC                            1  0.000 -0.029 | 0.000
##  ENJOYMEN.WITH SELF_EFFIC                            2  0.000 -0.029 | 0.000
##  ENJOYMEN.WITH SELF_EFFIC                            3  0.000 -0.029 | 0.000
##  INSTRUME.WITH SELF_EFFIC                            1  0.000  0.056 | 0.000
##  INSTRUME.WITH SELF_EFFIC                            2  0.000  0.056 | 0.000
##  INSTRUME.WITH SELF_EFFIC                            3  0.000  0.056 | 0.000
##          Means BROAD_INTE                            1  2.912  2.926 | 0.049
##          Means BROAD_INTE                            2  3.205  3.264 | 0.086
##          Means BROAD_INTE                            3  2.257  2.159 | 0.082
##          Means       C1#1 Categorical.Latent.Variables -0.285  0.143 | 0.188
##          Means       C1#2 Categorical.Latent.Variables -0.891 -1.085 | 0.183
##          Means  ENJOYMENT                            2  3.808  3.948 | 0.048
##          Means  ENJOYMENT                            3  2.305  2.271 | 0.072
##          Means INSTRUMENT                            1  2.042  1.991 | 0.082
##          Means INSTRUMENT                            2  1.735  1.801 | 0.092
##          Means INSTRUMENT                            3  2.357  2.400 | 0.068
##          Means SELF_EFFIC                            1  2.072  2.086 | 0.057
##          Means SELF_EFFIC                            2  1.724  1.758 | 0.067
##          Means SELF_EFFIC                            3  2.330  2.294 | 0.049
##      Variances BROAD_INTE                            1  0.262  0.279 | 0.056
##      Variances BROAD_INTE                            2  0.405  0.384 | 0.104
##      Variances BROAD_INTE                            3  0.594  0.578 | 0.083
##      Variances  ENJOYMENT                            1  0.010  0.051 | 0.003
##      Variances  ENJOYMENT                            2  0.060  0.011 | 0.016
##      Variances  ENJOYMENT                            3  0.397  0.448 | 0.044
##      Variances INSTRUMENT                            1  0.358  0.312 | 0.119
##      Variances INSTRUMENT                            2  0.636  0.797 | 0.134
##      Variances INSTRUMENT                            3  0.560  0.654 | 0.069
##      Variances SELF_EFFIC                            1  0.298  0.328 | 0.038
##      Variances SELF_EFFIC                            2  0.309  0.377 | 0.048
##      Variances SELF_EFFIC                            3  0.435  0.449 | 0.045
##  m2_se . m1_est_se m2_est_se . m1_pval m2_pval
##  0.008 |   999.000     1.300 | 999.000   0.194
##  0.008 |   999.000     1.300 | 999.000   0.194
##  0.008 |   999.000     1.300 | 999.000   0.194
##  0.024 |   999.000    -0.530 | 999.000   0.596
##  0.024 |   999.000    -0.530 | 999.000   0.596
##  0.024 |   999.000    -0.530 | 999.000   0.596
##  0.023 |   999.000    -1.290 | 999.000   0.197
##  0.023 |   999.000    -1.290 | 999.000   0.197
##  0.023 |   999.000    -1.290 | 999.000   0.197
##  0.015 |   999.000    -2.252 | 999.000   0.024
##  0.015 |   999.000    -2.252 | 999.000   0.024
##  0.015 |   999.000    -2.252 | 999.000   0.024
##  0.008 |   999.000    -3.702 | 999.000   0.000
##  0.008 |   999.000    -3.702 | 999.000   0.000
##  0.008 |   999.000    -3.702 | 999.000   0.000
##  0.020 |   999.000     2.777 | 999.000   0.005
##  0.020 |   999.000     2.777 | 999.000   0.005
##  0.020 |   999.000     2.777 | 999.000   0.005
##  0.060 |    59.366    49.094 |   0.000   0.000
##  0.126 |    37.165    25.960 |   0.000   0.000
##  0.114 |    27.478    18.918 |   0.000   0.000
##  0.341 |    -1.517     0.418 |   0.129   0.676
##  0.271 |    -4.877    -4.013 |   0.000   0.000
##  0.016 |    80.133   251.321 |   0.000   0.000
##  0.149 |    32.038    15.214 |   0.000   0.000
##  0.051 |    24.923    39.148 |   0.000   0.000
##  0.110 |    18.769    16.401 |   0.000   0.000
##  0.093 |    34.505    25.743 |   0.000   0.000
##  0.044 |    36.269    47.523 |   0.000   0.000
##  0.076 |    25.718    23.035 |   0.000   0.000
##  0.074 |    47.308    30.997 |   0.000   0.000
##  0.053 |     4.671     5.292 |   0.000   0.000
##  0.222 |     3.887     1.729 |   0.000   0.084
##  0.099 |     7.189     5.844 |   0.000   0.000
##  0.019 |     3.283     2.630 |   0.001   0.009
##  0.004 |     3.701     3.089 |   0.000   0.002
##  0.070 |     9.011     6.373 |   0.000   0.000
##  0.061 |     3.008     5.143 |   0.003   0.000
##  0.178 |     4.738     4.479 |   0.000   0.000
##  0.069 |     8.137     9.507 |   0.000   0.000
##  0.032 |     7.771    10.250 |   0.000   0.000
##  0.067 |     6.484     5.626 |   0.000   0.000
##  0.054 |     9.689     8.370 |   0.000   0.000
##   P-values that differ between models (p-value diff > 1e-04)
##   -----------------------------------
##    paramHeader      param                  LatentClass m1_est m2_est . m1_se
##  BROAD_IN.WITH  ENJOYMENT                            1  0.000  0.010 | 0.000
##  BROAD_IN.WITH  ENJOYMENT                            2  0.000  0.010 | 0.000
##  BROAD_IN.WITH  ENJOYMENT                            3  0.000  0.010 | 0.000
##  BROAD_IN.WITH INSTRUMENT                            1  0.000 -0.013 | 0.000
##  BROAD_IN.WITH INSTRUMENT                            2  0.000 -0.013 | 0.000
##  BROAD_IN.WITH INSTRUMENT                            3  0.000 -0.013 | 0.000
##  BROAD_IN.WITH SELF_EFFIC                            1  0.000 -0.029 | 0.000
##  BROAD_IN.WITH SELF_EFFIC                            2  0.000 -0.029 | 0.000
##  BROAD_IN.WITH SELF_EFFIC                            3  0.000 -0.029 | 0.000
##  ENJOYMEN.WITH INSTRUMENT                            1  0.000 -0.034 | 0.000
##  ENJOYMEN.WITH INSTRUMENT                            2  0.000 -0.034 | 0.000
##  ENJOYMEN.WITH INSTRUMENT                            3  0.000 -0.034 | 0.000
##  ENJOYMEN.WITH SELF_EFFIC                            1  0.000 -0.029 | 0.000
##  ENJOYMEN.WITH SELF_EFFIC                            2  0.000 -0.029 | 0.000
##  ENJOYMEN.WITH SELF_EFFIC                            3  0.000 -0.029 | 0.000
##  INSTRUME.WITH SELF_EFFIC                            1  0.000  0.056 | 0.000
##  INSTRUME.WITH SELF_EFFIC                            2  0.000  0.056 | 0.000
##  INSTRUME.WITH SELF_EFFIC                            3  0.000  0.056 | 0.000
##          Means       C1#1 Categorical.Latent.Variables -0.285  0.143 | 0.188
##      Variances BROAD_INTE                            2  0.405  0.384 | 0.104
##      Variances  ENJOYMENT                            1  0.010  0.051 | 0.003
##      Variances  ENJOYMENT                            2  0.060  0.011 | 0.016
##      Variances INSTRUMENT                            1  0.358  0.312 | 0.119
##  m2_se . m1_est_se m2_est_se . m1_pval m2_pval
##  0.008 |   999.000     1.300 | 999.000   0.194
##  0.008 |   999.000     1.300 | 999.000   0.194
##  0.008 |   999.000     1.300 | 999.000   0.194
##  0.024 |   999.000    -0.530 | 999.000   0.596
##  0.024 |   999.000    -0.530 | 999.000   0.596
##  0.024 |   999.000    -0.530 | 999.000   0.596
##  0.023 |   999.000    -1.290 | 999.000   0.197
##  0.023 |   999.000    -1.290 | 999.000   0.197
##  0.023 |   999.000    -1.290 | 999.000   0.197
##  0.015 |   999.000    -2.252 | 999.000   0.024
##  0.015 |   999.000    -2.252 | 999.000   0.024
##  0.015 |   999.000    -2.252 | 999.000   0.024
##  0.008 |   999.000    -3.702 | 999.000   0.000
##  0.008 |   999.000    -3.702 | 999.000   0.000
##  0.008 |   999.000    -3.702 | 999.000   0.000
##  0.020 |   999.000     2.777 | 999.000   0.005
##  0.020 |   999.000     2.777 | 999.000   0.005
##  0.020 |   999.000     2.777 | 999.000   0.005
##  0.341 |    -1.517     0.418 |   0.129   0.676
##  0.222 |     3.887     1.729 |   0.000   0.084
##  0.019 |     3.283     2.630 |   0.001   0.009
##  0.004 |     3.701     3.089 |   0.000   0.002
##  0.061 |     3.008     5.143 |   0.003   0.000
##   Parameters unique to model 1: 0
##   -----------------------------
##   None
##   Parameters unique to model 2: 0
##   -----------------------------
##  None
## ==============

Here, Model 1 (restricted, fewer parameters) is nested in Model 2. The chi-square difference test, assuming nested models, shows a significant improvement in fit for Model 2 over Model 1, despite the added parameters.

Latent Profile Plot


plot_lpa(model_name = output_pisa$model_3_class_4.out)

Save figure

ggsave(here("figures", "model3_profile4.png"), dpi = "retina", bg = "white", height=5, width=8, units="in")

Classifications Diagnostics Table

Use Mplus to calculate k-class confidence intervals (Note: Change the syntax to make your chosen *k*-class model):

classification  <- mplusObject(
  TITLE = "LPA - Calculated k-Class 95% CI",
  "usevar =  broad_interest-self_efficacy;
   classes = c1(4);",
   "estimator = ml; 
    type = mixture;    
    starts = 0; 
    processors = 10;
    optseed = 468036; ! This seed is taken from chosen model output
    bootstrap = 1000;",
    ! This is copied and pasted from the chosen model input
  broad_interest (vbroad_interest);
  enjoyment (venjoyment);
  instrumental_mot (vinstrumental_mot);
  self_efficacy (vself_efficacy);

  broad_interest WITH enjoyment (broad_interestWenjoyment);
  broad_interest WITH instrumental_mot (broad_interestWinstrumental_mot);
  broad_interest WITH self_efficacy (broad_interestWself_efficacy);
  enjoyment WITH instrumental_mot (enjoymentWinstrumental_mot);
  enjoyment WITH self_efficacy (enjoymentWself_efficacy);
  instrumental_mot WITH self_efficacy (instrumental_motWself_efficacy);

  broad_interest (vbroad_interest);
  enjoyment (venjoyment);
  instrumental_mot (vinstrumental_mot);
  self_efficacy (vself_efficacy);

  broad_interest WITH enjoyment (broad_interestWenjoyment);
  broad_interest WITH instrumental_mot (broad_interestWinstrumental_mot);
  broad_interest WITH self_efficacy (broad_interestWself_efficacy);
  enjoyment WITH instrumental_mot (enjoymentWinstrumental_mot);
  enjoyment WITH self_efficacy (enjoymentWself_efficacy);
  instrumental_mot WITH self_efficacy (instrumental_motWself_efficacy);

  broad_interest (vbroad_interest);
  enjoyment (venjoyment);
  instrumental_mot (vinstrumental_mot);
  self_efficacy (vself_efficacy);

  broad_interest WITH enjoyment (broad_interestWenjoyment);
  broad_interest WITH instrumental_mot (broad_interestWinstrumental_mot);
  broad_interest WITH self_efficacy (broad_interestWself_efficacy);
  enjoyment WITH instrumental_mot (enjoymentWinstrumental_mot);
  enjoyment WITH self_efficacy (enjoymentWself_efficacy);
  instrumental_mot WITH self_efficacy (instrumental_motWself_efficacy);

  broad_interest (vbroad_interest);
  enjoyment (venjoyment);
  instrumental_mot (vinstrumental_mot);
  self_efficacy (vself_efficacy);

  broad_interest WITH enjoyment (broad_interestWenjoyment);
  broad_interest WITH instrumental_mot (broad_interestWinstrumental_mot);
  broad_interest WITH self_efficacy (broad_interestWself_efficacy);
  enjoyment WITH instrumental_mot (enjoymentWinstrumental_mot);
  enjoyment WITH self_efficacy (enjoymentWself_efficacy);
  instrumental_mot WITH self_efficacy (instrumental_motWself_efficacy);

  Model Constraint:
  New(p1 p2 p3 p4);
  p1 = exp(c1)/(1+exp(c1)+exp(c2)+exp(c3));
  p2 = exp(c2)/(1+exp(c1)+exp(c2)+exp(c3));
  p3 = exp(c3)/(1+exp(c1)+exp(c2)+exp(c3));  
  p4 = 1/(1+exp(c1)+exp(c2)+exp(c3));",

  OUTPUT = "cinterval(bcbootstrap)",
  usevariables = colnames(pisa),
  rdata = pisa)

classification_fit <- mplusModeler(classification,
                dataout=here("mplus", "class.dat"),
                modelout=here("mplus", "class.inp") ,
                check=TRUE, run = TRUE, hashfilename = FALSE)

Create table


class_output <- readModels(here("mplus", "class.out"))

Model Classification Diagnostics
k-Class k-Class Proportions 95% CI mcaPk AvePPk OCCk
Class 1 0.251 [0.212, 0.294] 0.258 0.946 52.276
Class 2 0.475 [0.428, 0.521] 0.471 0.971 37.007
Class 3 0.209 [0.173, 0.244] 0.207 0.983 218.844
Class 4 0.064 [0.046, 0.087] 0.064 0.996 3641.625


Hallquist, M. N., & Wiley, J. F. (2018). MplusAutomation: An R Package for Facilitating Large-Scale Latent Variable Analyses in Mplus. Structural equation modeling: a multidisciplinary journal, 25(4), 621-638.

Miller, J. D., Hoffer, T., Suchner, R., Brown, K., & Nelson, C. (1992). LSAY codebook. Northern Illinois University.

Muthén, B. O., Muthén, L. K., & Asparouhov, T. (2017). Regression and mediation analysis using Mplus. Los Angeles, CA: Muthén & Muthén.

Muthén, L.K. and Muthén, B.O. (1998-2017). Mplus User’s Guide. Eighth Edition. Los Angeles, CA: Muthén & Muthén

Rosenberg, J. M., van Lissa, C. J., Beymer, P. N., Anderson, D. J., Schell, M. J. & Schmidt, J. A. (2019). tidyLPA: Easily carry out Latent Profile Analysis (LPA) using open-source or commercial software [R package]. https://data-edu.github.io/tidyLPA/

R Core Team (2017). R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. URL http://www.R-project.org/

Wickham et al., (2019). Welcome to the tidyverse. Journal of Open Source Software, 4(43), 1686, https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.01686