The Institute of Mixture Modeling for Equity-Oriented Researchers, Scholars, and Educators (IMMERSE) is an IES funded training grant (R305B220021) to support education scholars in integrating mixture modeling into their research.

Day 1 (May 19, 2023): Introductions, training goals, introduction to data science

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Fellows will be able to create a first draft of their equity-focused research goals that can be addressed with mixture modeling in the upcoming year.

  2. Fellows will be able to identify how the IMMERSE training goals and opportunities can help them to apply mixture modeling training their research goals

Synchronous Activity:

Asynchronous Activity:

Pre-Training Day 1 Video

Day 2 (May 24, 2023): Introduction to Mplus and MplusAutomation in R


Learning Outcomes:

  1. Using Mplus software, fellows will learn the basic skeleton of an Mplus input (.inp) syntax, run basic descriptive statistics, and evaluate output (.out)

  2. Using the MplusAutomation package, fellows will will be able to run descriptive statistics in R.

  3. This workshop will cover the creation of R-projects and R markdowns and discuss the benefits of organization of the R workflow.

  4. Fellows will have the opportunity to learn how to enhance and customize their R markdowns by applying themes to their documents

Synchronous Activity:

Asynchronous Activity:

Anonymous Feedback Survey

Pre-Training Day 2 Video

Day 3 (May 26, 2023): Data wrangling, exploration and visualization

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Fellows will be able to describe principles and challenges of reproducible data science.
  2. Fellows will be able to explain tidy data principles and recognize when those principles might not apply, depending on the needs of an analysis method.
  3. Using R in RStudio, Fellows will be able to wrangle data with categorical variables, encode continuous variables to categorical, and transform data frames from wide to long format and back.


Synchronous Activity (GitHub repo here):

Asynchronous Activity (GitHub repo here):

Pre-Training Day 3 Video

Day 4 (May 31, 2023): Collaborative, reproducible workflows with R, RStudio, git and GitHub

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Using Git and GitHub, Fellows will be able to fork an existing repository, and clone it to an R project using RStudio.
  2. Using R in RStudio, Fellows will be able to use simple loops and functions to automate and iterate coding tasks.
  3. Using R in RStudio, Fellows will be able to use the stringr package and simple regular expressions to wrangle text data.


Synchronous Activity (Github repo here):

Asynchronous Activity:

Pre-Training Day 4 Video

Anonymous Feedback Survey

Day 5 (June 2, 2023): Data science principles: data organization, storage, sharing, and code

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Fellows will be able to create GitHub repositories on GitHub and in R/RStudio.
  2. Fellows will be able to work with others to collaborate on a coding script; they will learn strategies to safely collaborate (to avoid merge conflicts), and will learn how to resolve a merge conflict if (when!) one does occur.
  3. Fellows will explore additional collaboration and communication tools using R/RStudio and Git/Github.


Synchronous Activity:

Asynchronous Activity:

Pre-Training Day 5 Video

Anonymous Feedback Survey

Helpful Links:

How to reference this workshop: Institute of Mixture Modeling for Equity-Oriented Researchers, Scholars, and Educators (2023). IMMERSE Pre-Training Workshop (IES No. 305B220021). Institute of Education Sciences.