% IMMERSE Pre-Training Materials
The Institute of Mixture Modeling for Equity-Oriented Researchers, Scholars, and Educators (IMMERSE) is an IES funded training grant (R305B220021) to support education scholars in integrating mixture modeling into their research.
Learning Outcomes:
Fellows will be able to create a first draft of their equity-focused research goals that can be addressed with mixture modeling in the upcoming year.
Fellows will be able to identify how the IMMERSE training goals and opportunities can help them to apply mixture modeling training their research goals
Synchronous Activity:
Asynchronous Activity:
Activity 1: Thoughts on articles from expert consultants (starting on slide 14 of the Workspace slides)
Activity 2: Create a draft of your research goals (starting on slide 18 of the Workspace slides]
Activity 3: Preparation for Day 2:
Intro to R
IMMERSE video. Part 1 also goes over installation.Synchronous Activity:
Asynchronous Activity:
Synchronous Activity:
Asynchronous Activity:
Make sure Mplus is installed!
Synchronous Activity:
Asynchronous Activity:
Intro to MplusAutomation
Synchronous Activity:
Helpful Links:
Please visit our website to learn more.
Visit our GitHub account to access all the IMMERSE materials.
Follow us on Twitter!
How to reference this workshop: Institute of Mixture Modeling for Equity-Oriented Researchers, Scholars, and Educators (2023). IMMERSE Pre-Training Workshop (IES No. 305B220021). Institute of Education Sciences. https://immerse-ucsb.github.io/cohort-one/pre-training